What exactly is CEO Discovery?
CEO Discovery is an online Professional Relationship Platform® that connects CEO talent ("Executives") who want to work in private equity with Financial Sponsors. Our online platform removes gatekeepers and allows direct communication between Executives and Financial Sponsors. This platform is accessed by going to ceodiscovery.com.
Who qualifies as “CEO Talent”?
Our platform is best suited for public or private company CEOs, COOs, presidents, division heads, and CFOs want to work in private equity. Individuals who want to pursue operating executive and board member roles are also welcome to apply. Applicants must have P&L or budget experience greater than $50 million.
Some Financial Sponsors also hire Executives to work with them directly as operating partners. Operating partners work alongside the investment partners to find, diligence and manage their investments in portfolio companies.
Should I apply now if I currently have a position?
Yes. If you want to work in private equity at some point in your career, you should join CEO Discovery now. Financial Sponsors like to get to know Executives over time, before hiring them for a specific role. In fact, 75% of our approved Executives are currently employed.
What type of Executives are signing up?
Our current Executives have typically held senior roles and are very knowledgeable about private equity. Of the Executives already approved:
- 65% have been CEO or President at least once
- 70% have worked with a financial sponsor
- 75% are currently employed
We also endeavor to "mint new CEOs" and are actively looking for Executives who have held senior leadership roles but may not have been CEO yet. Having worked previously in private equity is NOT a requirement to join.
Privacy is important to me. Who can see my information?
Our platform allows members to select their own privacy settings for their individual profiles. If selected, this functionality allows members to avail themselves to opportunities in private equity while feeling secure that no one can view their information except for specified financial sponsors.
Is there a cost to join the platform?
There is currently no fee for Executives to apply or to be a member.
How does CEO Discovery compare to LinkedIn?
CEO Discovery is a completely different business model than LinkedIn. Our online, highly curated platform is solely for CEO talent and Financial Sponsors. Members must apply and be approved before they are allowed on the platform. Membership is free of charge for approved Executives.